Corporate Overview
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- Salman Corporation
The Story
Mirroring the Sultanate’s footsteps to become a booming economy, we have kept pace with time and evolved into one of the largest retailers in the country. We made strategic but necessaryadditions to our already well-reputed product lines and thereby reinstatedour position as a home to top-notch luxury and lifestyle brands and emerged leaders of a glorious era.
Established in 1953 for retailing house hold goods and other kitchenware, our visionforesaw the potential the market had and slowly but steadily,one product vertical was added to another.Our success came in the ability to understand, respect and adapt to the changing market and the resultant changing demands.Today, well over half a century later, Salman Stores stands tall as a major retailer of a wide assortment of products including watches, luggage, sewing machines, shoes, bags, eyewear, fashion and silver jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics.